Friday, September 08, 2006


Remember the victory
Forget the war

Remember the healing
Forget the scar

Remember your future
Forget your past

Remember the first
Forget the last

Remember the disaster
Forget the dead

Remember what you heard
Forget what you said

Remember your love
Forget your crush

Remember the din
Forget the hush

Remember the many
Forget the one

Remember the moon
Forget the sun

Remember the laughter
Forget the tears

Remember the moments
Forget the years

Remember the virtue
Forget the sin

Remember the lips
Forget the elbow skin


Anonymous said...

Rishabh, were you in the same class as me at school? It looks like you're the same person I have in mind. His birthday was on October 6.

DPS, Noida
IX-A and X-C (1994 - 1996)

Brinda R

brinray at gmail dot .....

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" is one of your favourite books. That's great.... I am an Aspie like Christopher, and I never had any friends at school because I was always being bullied. I've located some of my other classmates online but I didn't write to any of them. You never used to laugh at me, I don't know why.... and you lent me your biology practical file when I needed it the most. I will never forget you and would love to stay in touch if that is not a problem with you. I have no agenda. It's lovely to see you again after all these years. Hope to hear from you soon.

Anonymous said...

tak tebe budou balit indky i kdyz uz nejsi v indii! no to je nehoraznost! ja jsem si asi poridila kasanovu! to je tim, ze o mne jsi jeste nenapsal ani carku! fajn, jak chces... brzy zorganizuju mejdan se vsemi spoluzaky!!!

:) said...

wery nice.

Revati Upadhya said...

remember the sunshine, forget the rain.

very well written!