Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Familiarity is known to breed contempt. But as a first-time foreigner, I wonder if the known or even faintly acquainted would indeed beg for my forgiveness.

On the other hand, I may ask myself if I really wish to go down roads already travelled. Maybe it’s time to unlearn everything that I learnt; to drop defences, to stop staying ‘I know’, to go back in time and become a child again.

A new land. A new language. Different cuisine. Different seasons. Nothing is how I expected. Or maybe it helped that I wasn’t expecting anything.

This is a time when I have the curiosity of a tourist and the indifference of a native.

Sure, I would want to be the first to see the astronomical clock tick at the end of every hour.

But even If I cant, I know I can always come back tomorrow.

There are no budgets to stick to, no souvenirs to buy and no planes to catch.

So I decide to stay contemptuous.

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